Opening & Access

  • - When does the festival site open?

    On the days of the events, we open one hour prior the first performanceat the latest . In hopefully good weather, the center of our festival is the ATOLL Garden.

  • When is the admission to the events?

    As a rule, admission to the halls and tents starts 10 minutes before the performance starts.

  • Can I bring drinks to the performances?

    As a rule yes, in rare cases no - in case of doubt, please ask at the bar or at the information desk.


  • How far away are the venues from Tollhaus?
    The walk from the Tollhaus to halle76 and the tent on the grounds of the Maccaroni children's and youth circus takes 10 minutes.
    The beautiful Kulturpalast tent is set up opposite the TOLLHAUS.
    The ZKM is located at Lorenzstraße 19. Tram line 2 runs between Tullastraße/Alter Schlachthof and ZKM every 10 or 20 minutes and the journey takes about 20 minutes.
  • Where to go after the performance?

    We recommend the Atoll Garden and the TOLLHAUS foyer. Here you can end the evening, talk about what you have experienced and meet the artists.


  • Food & Drink?
    Water, beer, wine, soda, coffee and tea as well as a selection of fine ATOLL delicacies such as soups, quiche and salads can be found in the TOLLHAUS foyer.

  • Is there a cloakroom?
    We are setting up a guest cloakroom in the TOLLHAUS foyer. You can also find nice things in the Atoll Shop there.

  • Lost & Found?

    Our cloakroom in the TOLLHAUS foyer is the place for found or lost items.

  • Where can I get tickets and information on site?

    Our information desk is located at the TOLLHAUS main entrance. Right next door in the vestibule is the ticket office.

Age information

  • How should I understand the age information?
    All ATOLL performances - except Roikkuva "Beautyfools" (for all ages) - are primarily shows for adults, but can also be enjoyed by children. Language skills are not usually required. Please note the age information.

How to get there

  • Where can I park?
    There are a few parking spaces in front of the TOLLHAUS. The Messplatz is an alternative. But we recommend getting there by bicycle or tram.

    Where does the tram stop?
    The stop "Tullastraße/Alter Schlachthof" is only 5 minutes away from the TOLLHAUS.